Investor engagement fundamentals – same, same, but different
Global turmoil driving chronic market volatility has created an equities mis-pricing nirvana for active fund managers. This is terrible news for listed companies who want long term investors and fully valued securities. Here are 5 things listed companies need to do to get on top it it and get their message heard.
Hey Big Pharma, Where the Bloody Hell Are Ya?
Fake medicine delivers five or ten times the profit margin of actual drugs that cost hundreds of millions to research, develop, test (in rigorous clinical trials over years), perfect, gain regulatory approval for and finally manufacture. Bogus ‘medicines’ and ‘nutriceuticals’ skip all that expensive run-around. Collect a couple of celeb endorsements, add some marketing and happy days – krill oil for all my friends! Kaching!
Strategy and perfection don't mix
Managers tend to feel that strategy should approach perfection. But given that strategy is primarily about revenue rather than cost, perfection is an impossible standard. At its very best, strategy can only shorten the odds of a company’s bets. Managers must internalize that fact if they are not to be intimidated by the strategy-making process.
Who launches a new firm into a global crisis? We did. This is why.
After months of preparation our new firm was ready. But could we now launch it into a global pandemic and economic crisis? Our mission is ‘to help clients to build commercially sustainable businesses and articulate an authentic and compelling story’. What better time for this could there be than right now?
Why ‘investor brand’ matters and how to make it work for you.
The notion of ‘investor brand’ needs some explanation. Even the more general and familiar concept of ‘brand’ is prone to be nebulous and controversial. Everyone thinks they know what it is — which alone precludes general agreement — but very few people can provide a clear definition when asked to do so.